
Participants of Volga district forum. Russia in the WTO: Strategic Opportunities at Nizhniy Novgorod Fair adopted final resolution



Participants of the Volga district forum Russia in the WTO: Strategic Opportunities , held at the Nizhniy Novgorod Fair on March 26, 2007, approved a final resolution, told the press Alexei Likhachyov. Being the State Duma deputy, he is one of the organizers of the forum and its participant.

Specifically, the text of the resolution says that the forum participants express their support for the efforts of the Russian government aimed at the country's WTO accession. They note that bringing the national legislation in line with the international norms helps to improve investment climate, raises the level of foreign partners trust in doing business in Russia and strengthens the national companies' positions in the world.

The forum participants perceive Russia'a WTO accession as a landmark in the economic and political life comparable to the reforms of the early 1990s.

Besides this, they express their confidence that the RF government will assure the timely implementation of measures minimizing the negative consequences of Russia 's accession to the WTO.

( NIA Nizhniy Novgorod , March 26, 2007)

